Doddcast 250 – Guitar “God”



This week Pete and Rich discuss Diablo 3, The Golf Club, Madden 15, and plenty of excellent listener tweets.


Here is where you can stream it.

You can also grab it off of iTunes.

Reach me at:

Player One Podcast

Check out Platform Nation

Pete’s Twitter

Rich’s Twitter

Doddcast 249 – Corporate Rich(es)

Scrooge-mcduck small

This week Pete and Rich discuss Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition, Shovel Knight, nostalgia for Socom and Brothers in Arms, and listener/subscriber tweets

Here is where you can stream it.

You can also grab it off of iTunes.

Reach me at:

Player One Podcast

Check out Platform Nation

Pete’s Twitter

Rich’s Twitter

Doddcast 248 – Dodd Scientifics is Live!


This week Pete and Rich discuss the launching of Dodd Scientifics and have three members of the team on to discuss their roles and what we hope to accomplish. After the pimping we move on to Gamescom, Madden demo/EA Access, and why the Tomb Raider deal was a no-brainer. 

Here is where you can stream it.

You can also grab it off of iTunes.

Reach me at:

Player One Podcast

Check out Platform Nation

Pete’s Twitter

Rich’s Twitter